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October 8, 2024

October Newsletter

September 6, 2024

September Newsletter

Click HERE to read the September Prairie Trail Post!

August 13, 2024

Security Practices – Please Read

One of the great things about Ankeny Schools is the community’s support of our athletics and activities. These events bring thousands of people together to celebrate the achievement of students. Because security is of utmost importance, the district continues to review its practices and identify areas of improvement at such events. As a result, we implement security measures for our activities and events.


Security practices:

  • Grades 6-12 must wear school ID while at the game
  • Footballs are not allowed
  • No baby powder, confetti, signs, noisemakers
  • No weapons (real or look-alike)
  • The North gate will remain secured at all times unless a team, band, or emergency personnel need access to the stadium
  • Families will be encouraged to ensure that students in grades K-5 be accompanied by an adult
  • Entrance to the stadium before an event will not be allowed
  • There will be no re-entry after leaving the stadium
  • Spectators will not be allowed to bring backpacks and large handbags into the stadium; Diaper bags or medical bags are allowed, but are subject to search
  • No outside food or drink
  • No access without a ticket or pass, including after halftime

These recommendations are the result of numerous conversations with security experts and a review of our current practices. Security can often be at odds with convenience. Our goal is to provide a safe environment for our students and spectators. We look forward to cheering on the Hawks and Jaguars with you this Fall.

April 22, 2024

Upcoming Dates


5/17: Ice Cream Social @ PT Playground, 3-5pm

5/24: Last Day of School! (2-hour early dismissal)

5/24: 5th Grade Awards Ceremony, 8:15am

January 31, 2024

Transitional Kindergarten Program

Ankeny Schools is excited to announce the opening of a transitional kindergarten (TK) program for the 2024-2025 school year. This new level is designed to provide students with the time needed to develop essential social and academic skills, acting as a bridge between preschool and kindergarten.

Registration for Transitional Kindergarten will be integrated into the general registration process, commencing on February 2, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. Similar to preschool, available space is limited, and acceptance is determined by the time and date of the submitted complete registration. Class sizes will be capped at 20 students per class, and the total number of classrooms will be finalized by the district later in the spring.

For more information please visit the Transitional Kindergarten website page within the Register section. Applicants can expect to receive an email confirmation of classroom placement or waitlist status by the end of March.

March 23, 2022

New E-mail Address to Report Absences and Transportation Changes

Prairie Trail is moving to a shared e-mail address to report absences, early pick-ups and transportation changes to the office.  Please use the email, to communicate this information to the office. This change will provide consistency for both parents and the office staff.  Thank you!!